About EarthDaily

We are on a mission to create the world’s most advanced change detection system.

Our offerings

Everywhere. Everyday.™ We are a vertically integrated software and analytics space company developing world-first technologies in data services, satellite processing, machine learning, and actionable insights.

We are informed by science.

We are driven by our mission.

We innovate and inspire.

Don Osborne

Don Osborne

President, CEO & Director

Sai Chu

Sai Chu

Chief Financial Officer

George Tyc

George Tyc, PhD

Chief Technology Officer

Eric von Eckartsberg

Eric von Eckartsberg

Chief Revenue Officer

Wade Larson

Wade Larson

EVP Business Development

Dave Gebhardt, PhD

Dave Gebhardt, PhD

General Manager, EarthDaily Agro

Peter Duggan

Peter Duggan

Vice President, Programs

Christine Berka

Christine Berka

Vice President, Human Resources

Christopher Rampersad

Christopher Rampersad

Vice President, Engineering


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