Reducing carbon credit risk with leading Earth Observation data and AI-driven analysis 

Our customers and partners include leaders and innovators across the public and private sectors, including long-established and instantly familiar names, up-and-coming firms at the cutting edge of their fields, and numerous companies that have realized the tangible value of having a better, more contextualized, and more up-to-date understanding of the world around them.

As we count down until the scheduled launches of the EarthDaily Constellation (“EDC”), we are shining a spotlight on some of those who recognize the benefit of working with EarthDaily Analytics in unlocking the game-changing power of Earth Observation Built for AI  Everywhere Everyday.

Today’s EDC Pre-Commitment Spotlight: 

Kita is a carbon insurance specialist leveraging Earth Observation (EO) technology to build data-driven solutions. Bridging the insurance and carbon markets, Kita offers a bespoke portfolio of carbon insurance products that act as a stamp of confidence and safeguard against loss, ultimately de-risking engagements in the carbon markets. With backing from major global partners Munich Re, RenaissanceRe, and Chaucer (a China Re Company), Kita’s ability to reduce the risk of carbon transactions helps high-quality carbon solutions to access greater flows of consistent capital as they scale their impact and give greater confidence to buyers and investors by protecting against unexpected loss.

Kita has made a pre-launch data commitment to benefit from the timeliness, reach, and insights of the EarthDaily Constellation’s daily global coverage and AI-driven data platform.


The Challenge: 

As the nascent field of carbon insurance expands, so too does the demand for data and increasingly accurate insurance products, which in turn provide more confidence and enable capital efficiencies that encourage investment in high-quality carbon projects. For the underlying insurance products to have their intended effect of de-risking impactful carbon projects in order to attract investment capital in a manner that combines profit and purpose, Kita prides itself on agility and responsiveness in a fast-evolving sector.    

Kita’s proprietary underwriting models require knowledge of fluctuating emissions, varying levels of risk across the carbon credit lifecycle, potential impacts from evolving regulations or political change, and more. Kita therefore relies upon consistent integration and maintenance of multiple high-quality data streams to reliably capture carbon impacts, interactions with or risk from nearby human settlements or developments, and any relevant large event risk that could impact a carbon project such as mangrove revitalization, biochar production and deployment, or a range of other such projects on a global basis. 

How EDA is the Solution: 

With the launch of the EarthDaily Constellation, EDA will be ideally positioned to empower Kita’s carbon insurance offering from initial risk assessment through to underwriting, ongoing monitoring, and validation of insurable events. By accurately and promptly identifying, measuring, and tracking the sources of project risk – such as illegal deforestation activity, the spread of blight, the accumulation of dry timber that could become the fuel for a wildfire or any of numerous other risks – these risks can not only be appropriately priced into insurance coverage, but also reduced by providing a mechanism to identify and remediate emerging issues before they become major problems. 

Moreover, with the EDC’s daily global coverage and ability to capture high-quality EO data across 22 spectral bands, Kita will have the ability to assess carbon project viability, risk profile, and progress on both an absolute and relative basis, using highly comparable tracts of forest, wetlands, or other environments as proxies for the site in question, and then measuring longitudinal development and carbon impact of the proxy site throughout the ever-expanding historical archive. Together with the processing power of EDA’s AI-driven ground segment, the EarthDaily Constellation will make it possible for Kita to more quickly, easily, and accurately assess risk, validate compliance, flag material variances, and maintain up-to-date monitoring. In this way, Kita can effectively offer carbon insurance that provides investors with well-founded confidence and drives investment capital into those carbon projects with the most potential to deliver effective environmental outcomes. 

Are you interested in getting in on the ground floor of the Earth Observation revolution that is the EarthDaily Constellation? Learn More


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